Library smram

From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From FreeSpec Require Import Core CoreFacts.

This library introduces the starting point of the FreeSpec framework, that is the original example that has motivated everything else.

The Verification Problem

We model a small subset of a x86 architecture, where a Memory Controller (now integrated inside the CPU) received memory accesses from cores, and dispatches these accesses to different controllers. In our case, we only consider the DRAM and VGA controllers.
From a FreeSpec perspective, we therefore consider three components and as many interfaces, with the memory controller exposing its own interfaces and relying on the interfaces of the two other controllers.
The DRAM contains a special-purpose memory region called the SMRAM, dedicated to the x86 System Management Mode (SMM). It is expected that only a CPU in SMM can access the SMRAM. The CPU set a dedicated pin (SMIACT) when it is in SMM, for the Memory Controller to know.

Specifying the Subsystem

The overview of the system we want to model is the following:
     |Memory Controller|
       |            |
       |            |
       v            v
 ----------     ----------
+----------+   +----------+
|   DRAM   |   |   VGA    |
|Controller|   |Controller|
+----------+   +----------+
We will focus on the Memory Controller, and only model the interfaces of the DRAM and VGA controllers.

Addressing Memories

We leave how the memory is actually addressed (in terms of memory cell addresses and contents) as a parameter of the model.

Parameters (address cell : Type)
           (address_eq : addressaddressProp)
           (address_eq_refl : (addr addr' : address),
               address_eq addr addr'address_eq addr' addr)
           (address_eq_dec : (addr addr' : address),
               { address_eq addr addr' } + { ¬ address_eq addr addr' })
           (in_smram : addressbool)
           (in_smram_morphism : (addr addr' : address),
               address_eq addr addr'in_smram addr = in_smram addr').

VGA and DRAM Controllers

We consider that the DRAM and VGA controllers expose the same interface which allows for reading from and writing to memory cells.

Inductive MEMORY : interface :=
| ReadFrom (addr : address) : MEMORY cell
| WriteTo (addr : address) (value : cell) : MEMORY unit.

Inductive DRAM : interface :=
| MakeDRAM {a : Type} (e : MEMORY a) : DRAM a.

Definition dram_read_from `{Provide ix DRAM} (addr : address)
  : impure ix cell :=
  request (MakeDRAM (ReadFrom addr)).

Definition dram_write_to `{Provide ix DRAM} (addr : address) (val : cell)
  : impure ix unit :=
  request (MakeDRAM (WriteTo addr val)).

Inductive VGA : interface :=
| MakeVGA {a : Type} (e : MEMORY a) : VGA a.

Definition vga_read_from `{Provide ix VGA} (addr : address) : impure ix cell :=
  request (MakeVGA (ReadFrom addr)).

Definition vga_write_to `{Provide ix VGA} (addr : address) (val : cell)
  : impure ix unit :=
  request (MakeVGA (WriteTo addr val)).

Memory Controller

Inductive smiact := smiact_set | smiact_unset.

Inductive MEMORY_CONTROLLER : interface :=
| Read (pin : smiact) (addr : address) : MEMORY_CONTROLLER cell
| Write (pin : smiact) (addr : address) (value : cell) : MEMORY_CONTROLLER unit.

Definition unwrap_sumbool {A B} (x : { A } + { B }) : bool :=
  if x then true else false.

Coercion unwrap_sumbool : sumbool >-> bool.

Definition dispatch {a} `{Provide3 ix (STORE bool) DRAM VGA}
    (addr : address) (unpriv : addressimpure ix a) (priv : addressimpure ix a)
  : impure ix a :=
  let× reg := get in
  if (andb reg (in_smram addr))
  then unpriv addr
  else priv addr.

Definition memory_controller `{Provide3 ix (STORE bool) DRAM VGA}
  : component MEMORY_CONTROLLER ix :=
  fun _ op
    match op with

When SMIACT is set, the CPU is in SMM. According to its specification, the Memory Controller can simply forward the memory access to the DRAM.

    | Read smiact_set addrdram_read_from addr
    | Write smiact_set addr valdram_write_to addr val

On the contrary, when the SMIACT is not set, the CPU is not in SMM. As a consequence, the memory controller implements a dedicated access control mechanism. If the requested address belongs to the SMRAM and if the SMRAM lock has been set, then the memory access is forwarded to the VGA. Otherwise, it is forwarded to the DRAM by default. This is specified in the dispatch function.

    | Read smiact_unset addrdispatch addr vga_read_from dram_read_from
    | Write smiact_unset addr val
      dispatch addr (fun xvga_write_to x val) (fun xdram_write_to x val)

Verifying our Subsystem

Memory View

Definition memory_view : Type := addresscell.

Definition update_memory_view_address (ω : memory_view) (addr : address) (content : cell)
  : memory_view :=
  fun (addr' : address) ⇒ if address_eq_dec addr addr' then content else ω addr'.


DRAM Controller Specification

Definition update_dram_view (ω : memory_view) (a : Type) (p : DRAM a) (_ : a) : memory_view :=
  match p with
  | MakeDRAM (WriteTo a v) ⇒ update_memory_view_address ω a v
  | _ ⇒ ω

Inductive dram_o_callee (ω : memory_view) : (a : Type), DRAM aaProp :=

| read_in_smram
    (a : address) (v : cell) (prom : in_smram a = truev = ω a)
  : dram_o_callee ω cell (MakeDRAM (ReadFrom a)) (ω a)

| write (a : address) (v : cell) (r : unit)
  : dram_o_callee ω unit (MakeDRAM (WriteTo a v)) r.

Definition dram_specs : contract DRAM memory_view :=
  {| witness_update := update_dram_view
   ; caller_obligation := no_caller_obligation
   ; callee_obligation := dram_o_callee

Memory Controller Specification

Definition update_memory_controller_view (ω : memory_view)
    (a : Type) (p : MEMORY_CONTROLLER a) (_ : a)
  : memory_view :=
  match p with
  | Write smiact_set a vupdate_memory_view_address ω a v
  | _ ⇒ ω

Inductive memory_controller_o_callee (ω : memory_view)
  : (a : Type) (p : MEMORY_CONTROLLER a) (x : a), Prop :=

| memory_controller_read_o_callee (pin : smiact) (addr : address) (content : cell)
    (prom : pin = smiact_setin_smram addr = true → ω addr = content)
  : memory_controller_o_callee ω cell (Read pin addr) content

| memory_controller_write_o_callee (pin : smiact) (addr : address) (content : cell) (b : unit)
  : memory_controller_o_callee ω unit (Write pin addr content) b.

Definition mc_specs : contract MEMORY_CONTROLLER memory_view :=
  {| witness_update := update_memory_controller_view
   ; caller_obligation := no_caller_obligation
   ; callee_obligation := memory_controller_o_callee

Main Theorem

Definition smram_predmc : memory_view) (ωmem : memory_view × bool) : Prop :=
  snd ωmem = true (a : address), in_smram a = true → ωmc a = (fst ωmem) a.

Lemma memory_controller_respectful `{StrictProvide3 ix (STORE bool) VGA DRAM}
    (a : Type) (op : MEMORY_CONTROLLER a) (ω : memory_view)
  : pre (to_hoare (dram_specs × store_specs bool) (memory_controller a op)) (ω, true).

  destruct op; destruct pin;
    prove impure.

Open Scope semantics_scope.

Open Scope contract_scope.

Ltac simpl_tuple :=
  match goal with
  | H: (_, _) = (_, _) |- _inversion H; subst; clear H

Theorem memory_controller_correct `{StrictProvide3 ix VGA (STORE bool) DRAM}
    (ω : memory_view)
    (sem : semantics ix) (comp : compliant_semantics (dram_specs × store_specs bool) (ω, true) sem)
  : compliant_semantics mc_specs ω (derive_semantics memory_controller sem).

  apply correct_component_derives_compliant_semantics with (pred := smram_pred)
                                                           (cj := dram_specs × store_specs bool)
                                                           (ωj := (ω, true)).
  + intros ωmcdram b] [b_true pred] a e _.
    cbn in b_true.
    rewrite b_true in *; clear b_true.
    ++ apply memory_controller_respectful.
    ++ intros xdram' st'] respectful.
       +++ destruct e;
             unroll_post respectful;
             repeat simpl_tuple;
           all: intros ?equ hin.
           all: lazymatch goal with
                | H: dram_o_callee _ _ (MakeDRAM (ReadFrom _)) _ |- _
                  apply pred in hin;
                    rewrite hin;
                    inversion H; now ssubst
                | _
       +++ destruct e;
             unroll_post respectful;
             repeat simpl_tuple;
           all: try reflexivity.
           all: intros addr' hin;
             (now apply pred) || cbn.
           all: unfold update_memory_view_address;
             destruct address_eq_dec.
           all: try reflexivity.
           all: try now apply pred.
           rewrite <- (in_smram_morphism addr _ a) in hin.
           inversion H8; ssubst.
           cbn in equ.
           rewrite equ in hin.
  + now constructor.
  + exact comp.