Library FreeSpec.Core.Init

Utils Functions

Definition when {m : Type Type} `{Monad m} (cond : bool) `(p : m a) : m unit :=
  if cond then (p;; pure tt) else pure tt.


From Coq Require Export Eqdep.

Ltac ssubst :=
  lazymatch goal with
| [ H : existT _ _ _ = existT _ _ _ |- _ ]
  ⇒ apply Eqdep.EqdepTheory.inj_pair2 in H; ssubst
| [ |- _] ⇒ subst


Declare Scope freespec_scope.
Delimit Scope freespec_scope with freespec.

Reserved Infix "===" (at level 70, no associativity).

Notation "m '~>' n" :=
  ( (α : Type), m α n α)
    (at level 80, no associativity)
  : type_scope.

Generalizable Functions Equality

Definition function_eq {a b} (r : b b Prop) (f g : a b) : Prop :=
   (x : a), r (f x) (g x).

Instance function_eq_Equivalence `(Equivalence b r)
  : @Equivalence (a b) (function_eq r).

Next Obligation.
  now intros f x.

Next Obligation.
  intros f g equ x.
  apply equ.

Next Obligation.
  intros f g h equ1 equ2 x.
  transitivity (g x); [ apply equ1 | apply equ2 ].

Hint Databases

Create HintDb freespec.