module Extends:sig
Extend FreeSpec.Exec by associating primitives constructor names to effectful semantics.
val register_interface : string -> (string * Interfaces.effectful_semantic) list -> unit
After register_interface modpath [(cname1, sem1); ...; (cnamen, semn)]
been executed, primitives constructed with constructors cname1
to cnamen
(which lives in the module defined by modpath
) will be supported by the
command, which will use sem1
to semn
to realize them.
To illustrate how register_interface
is used, we can take the example of
the Console.i
interface. Console.i
constructor live in the
module, which translate in OCaml into
["FreeSpec"; "Stdlib"; "Console"; "Console"]
Therefore, extending FreeSpec.Exec to support Console.i
primitives becomes
as simple as:
let _ =
["FreeSpec"; "Stdlib"; "Console"; "Console"]
[("Scan", scan); ("Echo", echo)]