Module Extends

module Extends: sig .. end

Extend FreeSpec.Exec by associating primitives constructor names to effectful semantics.

val register_interface : string -> (string * Interfaces.effectful_semantic) list -> unit

After register_interface modpath [(cname1, sem1); ...; (cnamen, semn)] has been executed, primitives constructed with constructors cname1 to cnamen (which lives in the module defined by modpath) will be supported by the Exec command, which will use sem1 to semn to realize them.

To illustrate how register_interface is used, we can take the example of the Console.i interface. Console.i constructor live in the FreeSpec.Stdlib.Console.Console module, which translate in OCaml into ["FreeSpec"; "Stdlib"; "Console"; "Console"].

Therefore, extending FreeSpec.Exec to support Console.i primitives becomes as simple as:

let _ =
    ["FreeSpec"; "Stdlib"; "Console"; "Console"]
    [("Scan", scan); ("Echo", echo)]