Library FreeSpec.Core.Impure
In FreeSpec.Core.Interface, we have introduced the interface type, to
model the set of primitives an impure computation can use. We also introduce
MayProvide, Provide and Distinguish. They are three type classes which
allow for manipulating polymorphic interface composite.
In this library, we provide the impure monad, defined after the
Program monad introduced by the operational package (see
From Coq Require Import Program Setoid Morphisms.
From ExtLib Require Export MonadState.
From FreeSpec.Core Require Export Interface.
We introduce the impure monad to describe impure computations, that is
computations which uses primitives from certain interfaces.
The impure monad is an inductive datatype with two parameters: the
interface i to be used, and the type α of the result of the computation.
The fact that impure is inductive rather than co-inductive means it is not
possible to describe infinite computations. This also means it is possible
to interpret impure computations within Coq, providing an operational
semantics for i.
Inductive impure (i : interface) (α : Type) : Type :=
| local (x : α) : impure i α
| request_then {β} (e : i β) (f : β → impure i α) : impure i α.
Arguments local [i α] (x).
Arguments request_then [i α β] (e f).
Register impure as freespec.core.impure.type.
Register local as freespec.core.impure.local.
Register request_then as freespec.core.impure.request_then.
Declare Scope impure_scope.
Bind Scope impure_scope with impure.
Delimit Scope impure_scope with impure.
Monad Instances
Fixpoint impure_bind {i α β} (p : impure i α) (f : α → impure i β) : impure i β :=
match p with
| local x ⇒ f x
| request_then e g ⇒ request_then e (fun x ⇒ impure_bind (g x) f)
Definition impure_map {i α β} (f : α → β) (p : impure i α) : impure i β :=
impure_bind p (fun x ⇒ local (f x)).
Instance impure_Functor : Functor (impure i) :=
{ fmap := @impure_map i
Definition impure_pure {i α} (x : α) : impure i α := local x.
Definition impure_apply {i α β} (p : impure i (α → β)) (q : impure i α) : impure i β :=
impure_bind p (fun f ⇒ fmap f q).
Instance impure_Applicative : Applicative (impure i) :=
{ pure := @impure_pure i
; ap := @impure_apply i
Instance impure_Monad (i : interface) : Monad (impure i) :=
{ ret := @impure_pure i
; bind := @impure_bind i
Defining Impure Computations
Definition request `{Provide ix i} {α} (e : i α) : impure ix α :=
request_then (inj_p e) (fun x ⇒ pure x).
Note: there have been attempts to turn request into a typeclass
function (to seamlessly use request with a MonadTrans instance such as
state_t). The reason why it has not been kept into the codebase is that
the flexibility it gives for writing code has a real impact on the
verification process. It is simpler to reason about “pure” impure
computations (that is, not within a monad stack), then wrapping these
computations thanks to lift.
The coq-prelude provides notations (inspired by the do notation of
Haskell) to write monadic functions more easily. These notations live
inside the monad_scope.