Library FreeSpec.Core.Component
From ExtLib Require Import StateMonad.
From FreeSpec.Core Require Export Interface Semantics Impure.
i +-------------------+ j | | | | +------>| | c : component i j |----->| | | | | +-------------------+
The similarity between FreeSpec components and operational semantics may be
confusing at first. The main difference between the two concepts is simple:
operational semantics are self-contained terms which can, alone, be used to
interpret impure computations of a given interface. Components, on the
other hand, are not self-contained. Without an operational semantics for
j, we cannot use a component c : component i j to interpret an impure
computation using i.
Given an initial semantics for j, we can however derive an operational
semantics for i from a component c.
Semantics Derivation
CoFixpoint derive_semantics {i j} (c : component i j) (sem : semantics j)
: semantics i :=
mk_semantics (fun a p ⇒
let (res, next) := runState (to_state $ c a p) sem in
(res, derive_semantics c next)).
So, semprod on the one hand allows for composing operational semantics
horizontally, and derive_semantics allows for composing components
vertically. Using these two operators, we can model a complete system in a
hierarchical and modular manner, by defining each of its components
independently, then composing them together with semprod and
Definition bootstrap {i} (c : component i iempty) : semantics i :=
derive_semantics c iempty_semantics.
In-place Primitives Handling
Fixpoint with_component_aux {ix j α} (c : component j ix) (p : impure (ix + j) α)
: impure ix α :=
match p with
| local x ⇒ local x
| request_then (in_right e) f ⇒
c _ e >>= fun res ⇒ with_component_aux c (f res)
| request_then (in_left e) f ⇒
request_then e (fun x ⇒ with_component_aux c (f x))
Definition with_component {ix j α}
(initializer : impure ix unit)
(c : component j ix)
(finalizer : impure ix unit)
(p : impure (ix + j) α)
: impure ix α :=
let× res := with_component_aux c p in
pure res.