Library FreeSpec.Core.Semantics

In FreeSpec, there is no particular semantics attach to interface's primitives. Once an interface has been defined, we can provide one (or more) operational semantics to interpret its primitives.


An operational semantics for the interface i is coinductively defined as a function which can be used to interpret any primitive of i; it produces an interp_out term.

From Coq Require Import Program Setoid Morphisms.
From ExtLib Require Import Monad StateMonad.
From FreeSpec.Core Require Export Interface Impure.

#[local] Open Scope signature_scope.

CoInductive semantics (i : interface) : Type :=
| mk_semantics (f : (α : Type), i α α × semantics i) : semantics i.

Arguments mk_semantics [i] (f).

Thus, a semantics does not only compute a result for a primitive, but also provides a new semantics. This is necessary to model impurity: the same primitive may or may not return the same result when called several times.
As for interfaces, the simpler semantics is the operational semantics for iempty, the empty interface.

Definition iempty_semantics : semantics iempty :=
  mk_semantics (fun α (e : iempty α) ⇒ match e with end).

We also provide a semantics for the STORE s interface:

CoFixpoint store {s} (init : s) : semantics (STORE s) :=
  mk_semantics (fun α (e : STORE s α) ⇒
                  match e with
                  | Get(init, store init)
                  | Put next(tt, store next)

We provide several helper functions to interpret primitives with semantics.

Definition run_effect {i α} (sem : semantics i) (e : i α) : α × semantics i :=
  match sem with mk_semantics ff α e end.

Definition eval_effect {i α} (sem : semantics i) (e : i α) : α :=
  fst (run_effect sem e).

Definition exec_effect {i α} (sem : semantics i) (e : i α) : semantics i :=
  snd (run_effect sem e).

Lemma run_effect_equation {i α} (sem : semantics i) (e : i α)
  : run_effect sem e = (eval_effect sem e, exec_effect sem e).

  unfold eval_effect, exec_effect.
  destruct run_effect; reflexivity.

Besides, and similarly to interfaces, operational semantics can and should be composed together. To that end, we provide the semprod operator.

CoFixpoint semprod {i j} (sem_i : semantics i) (sem_j : semantics j)
  : semantics (i + j) :=
  mk_semantics (fun _ e
                  match e with
                  | in_left e
                    let (x, out) := run_effect sem_i e in
                    (x, semprod out sem_j)
                  | in_right e
                    let (x, out) := run_effect sem_j e in
                    (x, semprod sem_i out)

Declare Scope semantics_scope.
Bind Scope semantics_scope with semantics.
Delimit Scope semantics_scope with semantics.

Infix "×" := semprod : semantics_scope.

Interpreting Impure Computations

A term of type impure a describes an impure computation expected to return a term of type a. Interpreting this term means actually realizing the computation and producing the result. This requires to provide an operational semantics for the interfaces used by the computation.
Some operational semantics may be defined in Gallina by means of the semantics type. In such a case, we provide helper functions to use them in conjunction with impure terms. The terminology follows a logic similar to the Haskell state monad:
  • run_impure interprets an impure computation p with an operational semantics sem, and returns both the result of p and the new operational semantics to use afterwards.
  • eval_impure only returns the result of p.
  • exec_impure only returns the new operational semantics.

Notation interp i := (state (semantics i)).

Definition interface_to_state {i} : i ~> interp i :=
  fun a emkState (fun semrun_effect sem e).

Definition to_state {i} : impure i ~> state (semantics i) :=
  impure_lift interface_to_state.

Arguments to_state {i α} _.

Definition run_impure {i a} (sem : semantics i) (p : impure i a) : a × semantics i :=
  runState (to_state p) sem.

Definition eval_impure {i a} (sem : semantics i) (p : impure i a) : a :=
  fst (run_impure sem p).

Definition exec_impure {i a} (sem : semantics i) (p : impure i a) : semantics i :=
  snd (run_impure sem p).

In-place Primitives Handling

Fixpoint with_semantics {ix j α} (sem : semantics j) (p : impure (ix + j) α)
  : impure ix α :=
  match p with
  | local xlocal x
  | request_then (in_right e) f
    let (res, next) := run_effect sem e in
    with_semantics next (f res)
  | request_then (in_left e) f
    request_then e (fun xwith_semantics sem (f x))

We provide with_store, a helper function to locally provide a mutable variable.

Definition with_store {ix s a} (x : s) (p : impure (ix + STORE s) a)
  : impure ix a :=
  with_semantics (store x) p.

Nesting with_semantics calls works to some extends. If each with_semantics provides a different interface from the rest of the stack, then everything behaves as expected. If, for some reason, you end up in a situation where you provide the exact same interface twice (typically if you use with_store), then the typeclass inferences will favor the deepest one in the stack. For instance,
Compute (with_store 0 (with_store 1 get)).
     = local 1
     : impure ?ix nat