Library FreeSpec.Core.ImpureFacts

From FreeSpec.Core Require Export Impure.


Due to the definition of impure and impure_bind, we could decide to rely on Coq built-in eq to reason about impure computations equivalence, but we would have to use the functional extensionality axiom to handle the continuation of the request_then constructor. In order to keep FreeSpec axiom-free, we rather provide a custom equivalence for impure terms.


The definition of impure_equiv is two-fold.

Inductive impure_eq {i α} : impure i α impure i α Prop :=

  • Two impure computations are equivalent if and only if they compute the exact same term (wrt. Coq eq function).
  • Two computations which consist in requesting the interpretation of an primitive and passing the result to a monadic continuation are equivalent if and only if they use the exact same primitive in the first place, and given any result the interpretation of this primitive may produce, their continuation returns equivalent impure computations.

| request_eq {β} (e : i β) (f g : β impure i α)
    (equ : function_eq impure_eq f g)
  : impure_eq (request_then e f) (request_then e g).

Infix "===" := impure_eq : impure_scope.

The definition of impure_equiv is very similar to eq, with the exception of the treatment of the continuation. There is no much effort to put into proving this is indeed a proper equivalence.

Instance impure_Equivalence : @Equivalence (impure i α) impure_eq := {}.

Next Obligation.
  intros p.
  induction p; constructor.
  intros x.
  apply H.

Next Obligation.
  intros p q equ.
  induction equ; constructor.
  intros x.
  apply H.

Next Obligation.
  intros p q r pq qr.
  revert p r pq qr.
  induction q; intros p r pq qr.
  + inversion pq; ssubst; inversion qr; ssubst.
  + inversion pq; ssubst; inversion qr; ssubst.
    intros x.
    cbv in H.
    now apply H with (β := x).

Proper Instances

Ltac change_request_then :=
  match goal with
  | |- (request_then ?e ?f === request_then ?e ?g)%impure
    let R := fresh "R" in
    assert (R: function_eq impure_eq f g); [ intros ?x | rewrite R; clear R ]

Ltac change_impure_bind :=
  match goal with
  | |- (impure_bind ?e ?f === impure_bind ?e ?g)%impure
    let R := fresh "R" in
    assert (R: function_eq impure_eq f g); [ intros ?x | now rewrite R ]

Instance request_then_Proper
  : Proper (eq ==> function_eq impure_eq ==> impure_eq) (@request_then i α β).

Next Obligation.
  intros e f g equ.
  intros y.
  specialize (equ y).
  now rewrite equ.

Instance impure_bind_Proper
  : Proper (impure_eq ==> function_eq impure_eq ==> impure_eq) (@impure_bind i α β).

Next Obligation.
  intros x y equ1 f g equ2.
  induction equ1.
  + cbn.
    now rewrite (equ2 x).
  + cbn.
    intros x.
    apply H.

Instance impure_map_Proper
  : Proper (function_eq eq ==> impure_eq ==> impure_eq) (@impure_map i α β).

  intros f g equf p q equp.
  unfold impure_map.
  rewrite equp.
  now rewrite equf.

Instance impure_apply_Proper
  : Proper (impure_eq ==> impure_eq ==> impure_eq) (@impure_apply i α β).

Next Obligation.
  intros p q equ1 r s equ2.
  unfold impure_apply.
  rewrite equ1.
  now rewrite equ2.


Monadic laws as defined in ExtLib.Structures.MonadLaws an related are expressed against eq, which is too strong in the general case, and in impure’s case in particular. We could prove them using the functional extensionality axiom, but we’d rather provide an alternative implementaiton of these laws defined against impure_eq instead.

Lemma impure_bind_local {i α} (p : impure i α)
  : (impure_bind p (fun xlocal x) === p)%impure.

  induction p.
  + reflexivity.
  + cbn.
    change_request_then; [| reflexivity].
    now rewrite H.

Lemma impure_bind_assoc {i α β δ}
  (p : impure i α) (f : α impure i β) (g : β impure i δ)
  : (impure_bind (impure_bind p f) g
     === impure_bind p (fun ximpure_bind (f x) g))%impure.

  induction p; [reflexivity |].
  change_request_then; auto.

Lemma bind_request_then_assoc `(e : i a) `(f : a impure i b) `(g : b impure i c)
  : request_then e f >>= g = request_then e (fun xf x >>= g).
