Library FreeSpec.Core.Contract
In this library, we provide the necessary material to reason about FreeSpec
components both in isolation, and in composition. To do that, we focus our
reasoning principles on interfaces, by defining how their primitives shall
be used, and what to expect the result computed by “correct” operational
semantics (according to a certain definition of “correct”).
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
From ExtLib Require Import StateMonad MonadState MonadTrans.
From FreeSpec.Core Require Import Interface Impure Semantics Component.
Open Scope signature_scope.
- caller_obligation distinguishes between primitives that can be used (by an impure computation), and primitives that cannot be used.
- callee_obligation specifies which guarantees can be expected from primitives results, as computed by a “good” operational semantics.
Record contract (i : interface) (Ω : Type) : Type := make_contract
{ witness_update (ω : Ω) : ∀ (α : Type), i α → α → Ω
; caller_obligation (ω : Ω) : ∀ (α : Type), i α → Prop
; callee_obligation (ω : Ω) : ∀ (α : Type), i α → α → Prop
Declare Scope contract_scope.
Bind Scope contract_scope with contract.
Arguments make_contract [i Ω] (_ _ _).
Arguments witness_update [i Ω] (c ω) [α] (_ _).
Arguments caller_obligation [i Ω] (c ω) [α] (_).
Arguments callee_obligation [i Ω] (c ω) [α] (_ _).
The most simple contract we can define is the one that requires
anything both for the impure computations which uses the primitives of a
given interface, and for the operational semantics which compute results for
these primitives.
Definition const_witness {i} :=
fun (u : unit) (α : Type) (e : i α) (x : α) ⇒ u.
Inductive no_caller_obligation {i Ω} (ω : Ω) (α : Type) (e : i α) : Prop :=
| mk_no_caller_obligation : no_caller_obligation ω α e.
Hint Constructors no_caller_obligation : freespec.
Inductive no_callee_obligation {i Ω} (ω : Ω) (α : Type) (e : i α) (x : α) : Prop :=
| mk_no_callee_obligation : no_callee_obligation ω α e x.
Hint Constructors no_callee_obligation : freespec.
Definition no_contract (i : interface) : contract i unit :=
{| witness_update := const_witness
; caller_obligation := no_caller_obligation
; callee_obligation := no_callee_obligation
A similar —and as simple— contract is the one that forbids the use of a
given interface.
Definition do_no_use {i Ω} (ω : Ω) (α : Type) (e : i α) : Prop := False.
Definition forbid_specs (i : interface) : contract i unit :=
{| witness_update := const_witness
; caller_obligation := do_no_use
; callee_obligation := no_callee_obligation
Composing Contracts
Definition gen_witness_update `{MayProvide ix i} {Ω α} (c : contract i Ω)
(ω : Ω) (e : ix α) (x : α)
: Ω :=
match proj_p e with
| Some e ⇒ witness_update c ω e x
| None ⇒ ω
Definition gen_caller_obligation `{MayProvide ix i} {Ω α} (c : contract i Ω)
(ω : Ω) (e : ix α)
: Prop :=
match proj_p e with
| Some e ⇒ caller_obligation c ω e
| None ⇒ True
Definition gen_callee_obligation `{MayProvide ix i} {Ω α} (c : contract i Ω)
(ω : Ω) (e : ix α) (x : α)
: Prop :=
match proj_p e with
| Some e ⇒ callee_obligation c ω e x
| None ⇒ True
Definition contractprod `{Provide ix i, Provide ix j} {Ωi Ωj}
(ci : contract i Ωi) (cj : contract j Ωj)
: contract ix (Ωi × Ωj) :=
{| witness_update := fun (ω : Ωi × Ωj) (α : Type) (e : ix α) (x : α) ⇒
(gen_witness_update ci (fst ω) e x, gen_witness_update cj (snd ω) e x)
; caller_obligation := fun (ω : Ωi × Ωj) (α : Type) (e : ix α) ⇒
gen_caller_obligation ci (fst ω) e ∧ gen_caller_obligation cj (snd ω) e
; callee_obligation := fun (ω : Ωi × Ωj) (α : Type) (e : ix α) (x : α) ⇒
gen_callee_obligation ci (fst ω) e x ∧ gen_callee_obligation cj (snd ω) e x
Infix "×" := contractprod : contract_scope.
Finally, and as an example, we define a contract for the interface
STORE s we discuss in FreeSpec.Core.Impure. As a reminder, the
interface is defined as follows:
For STORE s, the best witness is the actual value of the mutable
variable. Therefore, the contract for STORE s may be specs (STORE
s) s, and the witness will be updated after each Put call.
Inductive STORE (s : Type) : interface := | Get : STORE s s | Put (x : s) : STORE s unit.
Definition store_update (s : Type) :=
fun (x : s) (α : Type) (e : STORE s α) (_ : α) ⇒
match e with
| Get ⇒ x
| Put x' ⇒ x'
Assuming the mutable variable is being initialized prior to any impure
computation interpretation, we do not have any obligations over the use of
STORE s primitives. We will get back to this assertion once we have
defined our contract, but in the meantime, we define its callee obligation.
The logic of these callee obligations is as follows: Get is expected to
produce a result strictly equivalent to the witness, and we do not have any
obligations about the result of Put (which belongs to unit anyway, so
there is not much to tell).
Inductive o_callee_store (s : Type) (x : s) : ∀ (α : Type), STORE s α → α → Prop :=
| get_o_callee (x' : s) (equ : x = x') : o_callee_store s x s Get x'
| put_o_callee (x' : s) (u : unit) : o_callee_store s x unit (Put x') u.
The actual contract can therefore be defined as follows:
Definition store_specs (s : Type) : contract (STORE s) s :=
{| witness_update := store_update s
; caller_obligation := no_caller_obligation
; callee_obligation := o_callee_store s
Now, as we briefly mentionned, this contract allows for reasoning about an
impure computation which uses the STORE s interface, assuming the mutable,
global variable has been initialized. We can define another contract that
does not rely on such assumption, and on the contrary, requires an impure
computation to initialize the variable prior to using it.
In this context, the witness can solely be a boolean which tells if the
variable has been initialized, and the callee_obligation will require the
witness to be true to authorize a call of Get.
This is one of the key benefits of the FreeSpec approach: because the
contracts are defined independently from impure computations and
interfaces, we can actually define several contracts to consider
different set of hypotheses.