Library FreeSpec.Core.Hoare

From ExtLib Require Import Functor Applicative Monad.
From FreeSpec.Core Require Import Interface Impure Contract.

To reason about impure computations, we introduce the “Hoare monad,” also called the “specification monad.” An instance of the specification monad is a couple of pre and post conditions, such that pre p σ means the program specified by p can be executed safely from a state σ, and post p σ x σ' means the execution of p from σ may compute a result x and bring the system to a state σ'.
We equip this couple of predicate with a bind function to sequentially compose specifications.


Record hoare (Σ : Type) (α : Type) : Type :=
  mk_hoare { pre : Σ Prop
           ; post : Σ α Σ Prop

Arguments mk_hoare {Σ α} (pre post).
Arguments pre {Σ α} (_ _).
Arguments post {Σ α} (_ _ _).

Definition hoare_pure {Σ α} (x : α) : hoare Σ α :=
  mk_hoare (fun _True) (fun s y s'x = y s = s').

Definition hoare_bind {Σ α β} (h : hoare Σ α) (k : α hoare Σ β) : hoare Σ β :=
  mk_hoare (fun spre h s ( x s', post h s x s' pre (k x) s'))
           (fun s x s'' y s', post h s y s' post (k y) s' x s'').



Definition hoare_map {Σ α β} (f : α β) (h : hoare Σ α) : hoare Σ β :=
  hoare_bind h (fun xhoare_pure (f x)).

Instance hoare_Functor Σ : Functor (hoare Σ) :=
  { fmap := fun _ _hoare_map }.


Definition hoare_apply {Σ α β} (hf : hoare Σ (α β)) (h : hoare Σ α)
  : hoare Σ β :=
  hoare_bind hf (fun fhoare_map f h).

Instance hoare_Applicative : Applicative (hoare Σ) :=
  { ap := fun _ _hoare_apply
  ; pure := fun _hoare_pure


Instance hoare_Monad Σ : Monad (hoare Σ) :=
  { ret := @hoare_pure Σ; bind := @hoare_bind Σ }.

Reasoning about Programs

Definition interface_to_hoare `{MayProvide ix i} `(c : contract i Ω) : ix ~> hoare Ω :=
  fun a e
    {| pre := fun ωgen_caller_obligation c ω e
     ; post := fun ω x ω'gen_callee_obligation c ω e x
                              ω' = gen_witness_update c ω e x

Definition to_hoare `{MayProvide ix i} `(c : contract i Ω)
  : impure ix ~> hoare Ω :=
  impure_lift (interface_to_hoare c).

Arguments to_hoare {ix i _ Ω} c {α} _.