Library FreeSpec.Core.HoareFacts

From FreeSpec.Core Require Import Interface ImpureFacts Contract.
From FreeSpec.Core Require Export Hoare.

Equivalence Relation

Inductive hoare_eq {Σ α} (h1 h2 : hoare Σ α) : Prop :=
| mk_hoare_eq
    (pre_eq : s, pre h1 s pre h2 s)
    (post_eq : s x s', post h1 s x s' post h2 s x s')
  : hoare_eq h1 h2.

Instance hoare_Equivalence : @Equivalence (hoare Σ α) hoare_eq.

Next Obligation.

Next Obligation.
  intros h1 h2 equ.
    apply equ.

Next Obligation.
  intros h1 h2 h3 equ_1_2 equ_2_3.
  + intros s.
    transitivity (pre h2 s); [ apply equ_1_2 | apply equ_2_3 ].
  + intros s x s'.
    transitivity (post h2 s x s'); [ apply equ_1_2 | apply equ_2_3 ].

Proper Instances

Instance pre_Proper : Proper (hoare_eq ==> eq ==> iff) (@pre Σ α).

Next Obligation.
  intros h1 h2 equ s.
  apply equ.

Instance post_Proper : Proper (hoare_eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff) (@post Σ α).

Next Obligation.
  intros h1 h2 equ s x s'.
  apply equ.

Instance to_hoare_Proper
  : Proper (impure_eq ==> hoare_eq) (@to_hoare ix i MP Ω c α).

Next Obligation.
  intros p q equ.
  induction equ.
  + reflexivity.
  + constructor.
    ++ intros ω.
       cbn in ×.
       setoid_rewrite H.
    ++ intros ω x ω'.
       cbn in ×.
       setoid_rewrite H.

General Lemmas

Lemma to_hoare_step `{MayProvide ix i} `(c : contract i Ω)
   `(e : ix a) `(f : a impure ix a)
   `(hpre : pre (to_hoare c (request_then e f)) ω)
    (x : a) (step : gen_callee_obligation c ω e x)
  : pre (to_hoare c (f x)) (gen_witness_update c ω e x).

  destruct hpre as [hbefore hafter].
  apply hafter.
  unfold gen_callee_obligation, gen_witness_update in ×.
  now destruct proj_p.

Hint Resolve to_hoare_step : freespec.

Lemma to_hoare_pre_bind_assoc `{MayProvide ix i} `(c : contract i Ω)
   `(p : impure ix a) `(Hp : pre (to_hoare c p) ω)
   `(f : a impure ix b)
    (run : (x : a) (ω' : Ω),
        post (to_hoare c p) ω x ω' pre (to_hoare c (f x)) ω')
  : pre (to_hoare c (p >>= f)) ω.

  revert ω Hp run.
  induction p; intros ω Hp run.
  + now apply run.
  + cbn in Hp.
    destruct Hp as [He Hn].
    change (request_then e f0 >>= f)
      with (request_then e (fun xf0 x >>= f)).
    ++ exact He.
    ++ intros x ω' Hpost.
       specialize Hn with x ω'.
       destruct Hpost.
       rewrite H2 in ×.
       assert (Hpre : pre (to_hoare c (f0 x)) (gen_witness_update c ω e x))
         by now apply Hn.
       apply H0; [ apply Hpre |].
       intros y ω'' Hpost.
       apply run.
       split; [split |].
       +++ exact H1.
       +++ exact H2.
       +++ rewrite H2.
           exact Hpost.

Hint Resolve to_hoare_pre_bind_assoc : freespec.

Lemma to_hoare_post_bind_assoc `{MayProvide ix i} `(c : contract i Ω)
   `(p : impure ix a) `(f : a impure ix b)
   `(Hp : post (to_hoare c (impure_bind p f)) ω x ω')
  : y ω'',
    post (to_hoare c p) ω y ω'' post (to_hoare c $ f y) ω'' x ω'.

  revert ω Hp.
  induction p; intros ω Hp.
  + now x0, ω.
  + destruct Hp as [y [ω'' [Hp1 Hp2]]].
    apply H0 in Hp2.
    destruct Hp2 as [z [ω''' [Hp2 Hp3]]].
     z, ω'''.
    split; [| apply Hp3].
     y, ω''.
    now split.

Hint Resolve to_hoare_post_bind_assoc : freespec.

Lemma to_hoare_contractprod `{Provide ix i, Provide ix j}
   `(ci : contract i Ωi) `(cj : contract j Ωj)
   `(p : impure ix a)
   `(prei : pre (to_hoare ci p) ωi) `(prej : pre (to_hoare cj p) ωj)
  : pre (to_hoare (ci × cj) p) (ωi, ωj).

  revert ωi prei ωj prej.
  induction p; intros ωi prei ωj prej.
  + auto.
  + destruct prei as [calleri Hcalleei].
    destruct prej as [callerj Hcalleej].
    ++ now split.
    ++ intros xi' ωj'] [[calleei calleej] equωs].
       cbn in equωs.
       inversion equωs; subst.
       apply H3.
       +++ apply Hcalleei.
           now split.
       +++ apply Hcalleej.
           now split.

Hint Resolve to_hoare_contractprod : freespec.