Library FreeSpec.Core.SemanticsFacts

From ExtLib Require Import StateMonad.

From FreeSpec.Core Require Import ImpureFacts Contract.
From FreeSpec.Core Require Export Semantics.

Semantics Compliance

Given a semantics sem, and a witness ω if sem computes results which satisfies c callee obligations for effects which satisfy c caller obligations and if the resulting semantics produces after interpreting e complies to c in accordance to ω', where ω' is the new witness state after e interpretation then sem complies to c in accordance to ω

CoInductive compliant_semantics `{MayProvide ix i} `(c : contract i Ω)
  : Ω semantics ix Prop :=
| compliant_semantics_rec
    (sem : semantics ix) (ω : Ω)
    (o_callee : {α} (e : ix α),
        gen_caller_obligation c ω e gen_callee_obligation c ω e (eval_effect sem e))
    (next : {α} (e : ix α),
        gen_caller_obligation c ω e
         compliant_semantics c (gen_witness_update c ω e (eval_effect sem e)) (exec_effect sem e))
  : compliant_semantics c ω sem.

Proving that semantics obtained from the store function are compliant with store_specs is relatively simple.

Lemma store_complies_to_store_specs {s} (st : s)
  : compliant_semantics (store_specs s) st (store st).

  revert st; cofix compliant_semantics_rec; intros st.
  + intros a [| st'] _.
    ++ now constructor.
    ++ now constructor.
  + intros a e req.
    replace (exec_effect (store st) e)
      with (store (store_update s st a e (eval_effect (store st) e)))
      by now destruct e as [| st'].
    apply compliant_semantics_rec.

Hint Resolve store_complies_to_store_specs : freespec.

Lemma compliant_semantics_caller_obligation_callee_obligation `{MayProvide ix i}
   `(c : contract i Ω) (ω : Ω)
   `(e : ix α) (o_caller : gen_caller_obligation c ω e)
    (sem : semantics ix) (comp : compliant_semantics c ω sem)
  : gen_callee_obligation c ω e (eval_effect sem e).

  inversion comp; ssubst.
  now apply o_callee.

Hint Resolve compliant_semantics_caller_obligation_callee_obligation : freespec.

Lemma compliant_semantics_caller_obligation_compliant `{MayProvide ix i} {Ω α} (c : contract i Ω) (ω : Ω)
  (e : ix α) (o_caller : gen_caller_obligation c ω e)
  (sem : semantics ix) (comp : compliant_semantics c ω sem)
  : compliant_semantics c (gen_witness_update c ω e (eval_effect sem e)) (exec_effect sem e).

  inversion comp; ssubst.
  now apply next.

Hint Resolve compliant_semantics_caller_obligation_compliant : freespec.

Lemma no_contract_compliant_semantics `{MayProvide ix i} (sem : semantics ix) (u : unit)
  : compliant_semantics (no_contract i) u sem.

  revert sem.
  cofix no_contract_compliant_semantics; intros sem.
  + intros α e req.
    unfold gen_caller_obligation, gen_callee_obligation.
    destruct proj_p; constructor.
  + intros α e req.
    unfold gen_witness_update.
    destruct (proj_p e); [ apply no_contract_compliant_semantics | auto with freespec ].

Hint Resolve no_contract_compliant_semantics : freespec.



We say two semantics are equivalent when they produce equivalent outputs given the same primitive.

CoInductive semantics_eq {i} : semantics i semantics i Prop :=
| semantics_eq_rec
    (sem sem' : semantics i)
    (res_eq : {a} (e : i a), eval_effect sem e = eval_effect sem' e)
    (next_eq : {a} (e : i a),
        semantics_eq (exec_effect sem e) (exec_effect sem' e))
  : semantics_eq sem sem'.

Infix "===" := semantics_eq : semantics_scope.

We prove semantics_eq is indeed an equivalence.

Instance semantics_Equivalence (i : interface) : Equivalence (@semantics_eq i).

Next Obligation.
  cofix semantics_eq_refl.
  intros sem.
  constructor; intros α e.
  + reflexivity.
  + apply semantics_eq_refl.

Next Obligation.
  cofix semantics_eq_sym.
  intros sem sem' equiv.
  destruct equiv as [sem sem' step].
  constructor; intros α e.
  + now symmetry.
  + now apply semantics_eq_sym.

Next Obligation.
  cofix semantics_eq_trans.
  intros sem sem' sem'' equiv equiv'.
  destruct equiv as [sem sem' equ].
  destruct equiv' as [sem' sem'' equ'].
  constructor; intros α e;
    specialize equ with α e;
    specialize equ' with α e;
    inversion equ; ssubst;
      inversion equ'; ssubst.
  + now transitivity (eval_effect sem' e).
  + eapply semantics_eq_trans; [ apply next_eq | apply next_eq0 ].

Interpretation Results

Definition run_effect_eq `(x : α × semantics i) (y : α × semantics i) : Prop :=
  fst x = fst y (snd x === snd y)%semantics.

Instance run_effect_Equivalence : @Equivalence (a × semantics i) run_effect_eq.

Next Obligation.
  intros [x next]; now split.

Next Obligation.
  intros [x next] [y next'] [H1 H2]; now split.

Next Obligation.
  intros [x next] [y next'] [z next_] [H1 H2] [H3 H4].
  split; etransitivity; eauto.

Proper Instances

Instance fst_Proper : Proper (run_effect_eq ==> eq) (@fst α (semantics i)).

Next Obligation.
  intros [x next] [y next'] [equ1 equ2].
  apply equ1.

Instance snd_Proper : Proper (run_effect_eq ==> semantics_eq) (@snd α (semantics i)).

Next Obligation.
  intros [x next] [y next'] [equ1 equ2].
  apply equ2.

Instance prod_Proper : Proper (eq ==> semantics_eq ==> run_effect_eq) (@pair a (semantics i)).

Next Obligation.
  intros x sem sem' equ.
  + reflexivity.
  + apply equ.

Instance run_effect_Proper
  : Proper (semantics_eq ==> eq ==> run_effect_eq) (@run_effect i α).

  intros sem sem' equ e.
  rewrite run_effect_equation.
  inversion equ; subst.
  + apply res_eq.
  + apply next_eq.

Instance eval_effect_Proper : Proper (semantics_eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@eval_effect i α).

Next Obligation.
  intros o o' equ e.
  unfold eval_effect.
  now rewrite equ.

Instance exec_effect_Proper : Proper (semantics_eq ==> eq ==> semantics_eq) (@exec_effect i α).

Next Obligation.
  intros o o' equ e.
  unfold exec_effect.
  now rewrite equ.

Remark eval_semprod_in_left_eq `(semi : semantics i) `(semj : semantics j) `(e : i α)
  : eval_effect (semi × semj) (in_left e) = eval_effect semi e.

  unfold eval_effect; cbn.
  destruct semi as [semi].
  now destruct (semi α e).

Remark eval_semprod_in_right_eq `(semi : semantics i) `(semj : semantics j) `(e : j α)
  : eval_effect (semi × semj) (in_right e) = eval_effect semj e.

  unfold eval_effect; cbn.
  destruct semj as [semj].
  now destruct (semj α e).

Remark exec_semprod_in_left_eq `(semi : semantics i) `(semj : semantics j) `(e : i α)
  : exec_effect (semi × semj) (in_left e) = (semprod (exec_effect semi e) semj).

  unfold exec_effect; cbn.
  destruct semi as [semi].
  now destruct (semi _ e).

Remark exec_semprod_in_right_eq `(semi : semantics i) `(semj : semantics j) `(e : j α)
  : exec_effect (semi × semj) (in_right e) = (semprod semi (exec_effect semj e)).

  unfold exec_effect; cbn.
  destruct semj as [semj].
  now destruct (semj _ e).

Instance semprod_Proper i j
  : Proper (semantics_eq ==> semantics_eq ==> semantics_eq) (@semprod i j).

Next Obligation.
  cofix semprod_Proper.
  intros semi semi' equi semj semj' equj.
  constructor; intros α e; destruct e.
  + repeat rewrite eval_semprod_in_left_eq.
    now inversion equi.
  + repeat rewrite eval_semprod_in_right_eq.
    now inversion equj.
  + repeat rewrite exec_semprod_in_left_eq.
    apply semprod_Proper; auto.
    inversion equi.
    apply next_eq.
  + repeat rewrite exec_semprod_in_right_eq.
    apply semprod_Proper; auto.
    inversion equj.
    apply next_eq.

Instance compliant_semantics_Proper `{MayProvide ix i} `(c : contract i Ω)
  : Proper (eq ==> semantics_eq ==> Basics.impl) (compliant_semantics c).

Next Obligation.
  unfold Basics.impl.
  cofix proper.
  intros ω sem sem' equ comp.
  inversion equ; subst.
  inversion comp; subst.
  constructor; intros a e pre.
  + rewrite <- res_eq.
    now apply o_callee.
  + specialize next_eq with a e.
    eapply proper.
    exact next_eq.
    rewrite <- res_eq.
    now apply next.

General Lemmas

We provide several lemmas and the necessary Proper instances to use these functions in conjunction with semantics_equiv and impure_equiv.

Lemma run_impure_equation {i a} (sem : semantics i) (p : impure i a)
  : run_impure sem p = (eval_impure sem p, exec_impure sem p).

  unfold eval_impure, exec_impure.
  destruct run_impure; reflexivity.

Lemma run_impure_request_then_assoc {i a b}
    (sem : semantics i) (e : i a) (f : a impure i b)
  : run_impure sem (request_then e f)
    = run_impure (exec_effect sem e) (f (eval_effect sem e)).

  cbn; now rewrite run_effect_equation.

Lemma eval_impure_request_then_assoc {i a b}
    (sem : semantics i) (e : i a) (f : a impure i b)
  : eval_impure sem (request_then e f)
    = eval_impure (exec_effect sem e) (f (eval_effect sem e)).

  unfold eval_impure.
  now rewrite run_impure_request_then_assoc.

Lemma exec_impure_request_then_assoc {i a b}
    (sem : semantics i) (e : i a) (f : a impure i b)
  : exec_impure sem (request_then e f)
    = exec_impure (exec_effect sem e) (f (eval_effect sem e)).

  unfold exec_impure.
  now rewrite run_impure_request_then_assoc.

Lemma run_impure_bind_assoc {i a b}
    (sem : semantics i) (p : impure i a) (f : a impure i b)
  : run_impure sem (p >>= f)
    = run_impure (exec_impure sem p) (f (eval_impure sem p)).

  revert sem f.
  induction p; intros sem g.
  + reflexivity.
  + rewrite bind_request_then_assoc.
    rewrite run_impure_request_then_assoc.
    rewrite H.
    rewrite exec_impure_request_then_assoc.
    rewrite eval_impure_request_then_assoc.

Lemma eval_impure_bind_assoc {i a b}
    (sem : semantics i) (p : impure i a) (f : a impure i b)
  : eval_impure sem (p >>= f)
    = eval_impure (exec_impure sem p) (f (eval_impure sem p)).

  unfold eval_impure.
  now rewrite run_impure_bind_assoc.

Lemma exec_impure_bind_assoc {i a b}
    (sem : semantics i) (p : impure i a) (f : a impure i b)
  : exec_impure sem (p >>= f)
    = exec_impure (exec_impure sem p) (f (eval_impure sem p)).

  unfold exec_impure.
  now rewrite run_impure_bind_assoc.

Instance run_impure_Proper_1 (i : interface) (a : Type)
  : Proper (semantics_eq ==> eq ==> run_effect_eq) (@run_impure i a).

Next Obligation.
  intros sem sem' equ p.
  revert sem sem' equ.
  induction p; intros sem sem' equ.
  + cbn.
    now rewrite equ.
  + repeat rewrite eval_impure_request_then_assoc.
    repeat rewrite run_impure_request_then_assoc.
    specialize H
      with (eval_effect sem e) (exec_effect sem e) (exec_effect sem' e).
    inversion equ; subst.
    specialize next_eq with _ e.
    apply H in next_eq.
    rewrite <- res_eq.
    exact next_eq.

Instance run_impure_Proper_2 (i : interface) (a : Type)
  : Proper (eq ==> impure_eq ==> run_effect_eq) (@run_impure i a).

Next Obligation.
  intros sem p q equ.
  revert sem.
  induction equ; intros sem.
  + reflexivity.
  + repeat rewrite run_impure_request_then_assoc.
    apply H.

Instance eval_impure_Proper (i : interface) (a : Type)
  : Proper (semantics_eq ==> impure_eq ==> eq) (@eval_impure i a).

Next Obligation.
  intros sem sem' equ1 p q equ2.
  unfold eval_impure.
  now rewrite equ1, equ2.

Instance exec_impure_Proper (i : interface) (a : Type)
  : Proper (semantics_eq ==> impure_eq ==> semantics_eq) (@exec_impure i a).

Next Obligation.
  intros sem sem' equ1 p q equ2.
  unfold exec_impure.
  now rewrite equ1, equ2.