Library FreeSpec.Core.ComponentFacts

From ExtLib Require Import StateMonad.
From FreeSpec.Core Require Import Contract HoareFacts SemanticsFacts InstrumentFacts.
From FreeSpec Require Export Component.

We use an alternative definition of derive_semantics, which has the virtue of being easier to reason with. More precisely, it behaves better with evaluation tactics such as cbn (according to our experience, derive_semantics requires explicit destruct call to deal with the let ... in ... construction).
This is a detail of implementation of our proof, henceforth the definition is local and should not be used anywhere else.

CoFixpoint derive_semantics' {i j} (c : component i j) (sem : semantics j)
  : semantics i :=
  mk_semantics (fun a p
                  (evalState (to_state $ c a p) sem,
                   derive_semantics' c (execState (to_state $ c a p) sem))).

We prove these two definitions (derive_semantics and derive_semantics') are equivalent wrt. semantics_eq.

Remark derive_semantics_equ `(c : component i j) (sem : semantics j)
  : (derive_semantics c sem === derive_semantics' c sem)%semantics.

  revert sem.
  cofix aux; intros sem.
  constructor; intros a e;
    unfold derive_semantics;
    unfold eval_effect;
    unfold exec_effect;
    unfold run_effect;
    unfold evalState;
    unfold execState;
    destruct runState.
  + reflexivity.
  + apply aux.

Component Correctness

We consider a component c : component i j s, meaning c exposes an interface i, uses an interface j, and carries an internal state of type s.
                            c : component i j s
                        i +---------------------+      j
                        | |                     |      |
                +------>| |       st : s        |----->|
                        | |                     |      |
We say c is correct wrt. ci (a contract for i) and cj (a contract for i) iff given primitives which satisfies the caller obligation of ci, c will
  • use respectful impure computations wrt. cj
  • compute results which satisfy ci callee obligations, assuming it can rely on a semantics of j which complies with cj
The two witness states ωi : Ωi (for speci) and ωj : Ωj (for specj), and st : s the internal state of c remained implicit in the previous sentence. In practice, we associate them together by means of a dedicated predicate pred. It is expected that pred is an invariant throughout c's life, meaning that as long as c computes result for legitimate effects (wrt. speci effects, the updated values of ωi, ωj and st continue to satisfy pred.

Definition correct_component `{MayProvide jx j}
   `(c : component i jx) `(ci : contract i Ωi) `(cj : contract j Ωj)
    (pred : Ωi Ωj Prop)
  : Prop :=
    (ωi : Ωi) (ωj : Ωj) (init : pred ωi ωj)
         `(e : i α) (o_caller : caller_obligation ci ωi e),
    pre (to_hoare cj $ c α e) ωj
     (x : α) (ωj' : Ωj) (run : post (to_hoare cj $ c α e) ωj x ωj'),
      callee_obligation ci ωi e x pred (witness_update ci ωi e x) ωj'.

Once we have proven c is correct wrt. to speci and specj with pred acting as an invariant throughout c life, we show we can derive a semantics from c with an initial state st which complies to speci in accordance to ωi if we use a semantics of j which complies to specj in accordance to ωj, where pred ωi st ωj is satisfied.

Lemma correct_component_derives_compliant_semantics `{MayProvide jx j}
   `(c : component i jx) `(ci : contract i Ωi) `(cj : contract j Ωj)
    (pred : Ωi Ωj Prop)
    (correct : correct_component c ci cj pred)
    (ωi : Ωi) (ωj : Ωj) (inv : pred ωi ωj)
    (sem : semantics jx) (comp : compliant_semantics cj ωj sem)
  : compliant_semantics ci ωi (derive_semantics c sem).

  rewrite derive_semantics_equ.
  revert ωi ωj inv sem comp.
  cofix correct_component_derives_compliant_semantics.
  intros ωi ωj inv sem comp.
  unfold correct_component in correct.
  specialize (correct ωi ωj inv).
  constructor; intros a e req; specialize (correct a e req);
    destruct correct as [trust run].
  + eapply run.
    ++ rewrite instrument_to_state_eval_morphism with (c0 := cj) (ω := ωj).
       now apply instrument_satisfies_hoare.
  + eapply correct_component_derives_compliant_semantics.
    ++ apply run.
       erewrite instrument_to_state_eval_morphism.
       apply instrument_satisfies_hoare.
       +++ exact comp.
       +++ exact trust.
    ++ erewrite instrument_to_state_exec_morphism.
       apply instrument_preserves_compliance.
       +++ exact comp.
       +++ apply trust.